Norma Belle recognized at the Split Spot Festival 2016
Norma Belle is a signature love song from Parni Valjak to celebrate their 40th anniversary.
Parni Valjak’s ‘Norma Belle’, a love song to celebrate their 40th anniversary, was a big success, earning the band a huge amount of praise from fans and giving Dalibor Kazija, the designer behind the background combination of animation and live action shots of the band members, the chance to work with the band on future projects.
The Split Spot Festival have made Dalibor one of the 42 finalists and nominated him for two of the festival’s awards. The festival will take place on 27 and 28 May 2016 in Split, and we’ll be keeping our fingers crossed that the video opens new doors for this amazing artist.
You can read more about the project here and watch the full video here.