JUST (WO)MAN is a project designed to provide a new perspective on the future of urban life. What would everyday life look like, how would friendships evolve, how would education be delivered and how would love be expressed if women ruled the city of the future?
Organized in collaboration with the St Margaret’s British School for Girls in Valparaiso, the workshop is a continuation of the collaboration between the Institute for Transmedia Design and Mediamorfosis, and it explores contemporary life in Chilean society. Under the direction of Sara Božanić and with the mentorship of Paola Podesta and Miss Pia Massai, and in collaboration with producer Valentina Ripamonti, the young students confront key issues of our time and propose alternatives to meet the needs of the Chilean nation, society, public policy and economy.
Applying the method of research and creation already tested and conceived in the Disco School project, the participants of the Just Woman workshop will create and install an immersive design exhibition by researching and identifying key themes and pressing problems of society and interrelationships, then co-creating comprehensive stories and conceptualizing possible alternatives and responses to the identified needs.
The exhibition will offer visitors a completely new experience and a glimpse into the future of their society, and will more specifically raise questions such as:
- How do we access a community’s ideas and knowledge to challenge and go beyond the status quo?
- How does immersive storytelling, art and design encourage thinking, ambition and inclusion in times of divisive populism?
- How do we present a contemporary life of a Chilean society in the form of an interactive/immersive experience?
- How do we engage and inspire audiences to go beyond the limits of today and design solutions for a more just world?
The exhibition will premiere in Valparaiso, Chile, at Mediamorfosis 2023, and will then be presented at Vienna Design Week from 22 September to 1 October 2023.